European patent litigator

Yes 🙌🏼: Officially registered representative at the #upc #unifiedpatentcourt. •I am excited to share that my official registration to act as representative before the Unified Patent Court was accepted. Therefore, I can perform official acts in cases at the UPC, a single court for patent proceedings in 17 EU member states. This definitely opens future doors. •Now […]
European patent attorney

It’s my pleasure and joy to tell you that I passed the European Qualifying Examination #EQE despite sitting the C part with a Sars Cov 2 infection. Therefore, I become European patent attorney after finalizing the last paper work load for registration with the European Patent Office. Together with my qualification as a German patent […]
German patent attorney

It is done âś… •Yesterday, I took the oath and finally became patent attorney!•It is a great feeling: I am looking forward to all the new tasks that come with it and to my new role as a member of an independent judicial body in Germany („Organ der Rechtspflege“) organized in the Patentanwaltskammer and being member […]